I've said it once and I'll say it again. I love my job but I don't understand why is it that everyone seems to always have something to say about the final outcome of translator work. What I mean by this is, what is the criteria of certain translators, called senior translators, even if many have less experience than the ones who actually translated the file, when changing the words of another colleague? Many, don't even change the sense of the text. Is it just for the sake of

changing and showing off?
I, myself, try to change as little as possible when I request other colleague’s translations, even if I would do it differently and you may ask me why, well because, as when speaking, I believe we all have different ways of expressing ourselves, so there is no need to correct these, if they are correct.
Another thing that troubles me are the so called tests some companies hand to translators, how are they corrected, exactly? I never seem to receive a proper answer concerning these criteria corrections neither.
What are your ideas?