I've said it once and I'll say it again. I love my job but I don't understand why is it that everyone seems to always have something to...

Clientes apressados
Hoje trago-vos um post em Português!!! Todo o tradutor conhece e comenta em grupos e jantares com outros colegas a famosa pressa do...

ProZ.com 2015 virtual conference for International Translation Day
Every year Proz.com has a Virtual Conference concerning Translation, this year I, Ana Honrado, will be one of the speakers. Therefore I...

How much does a translator earn?
Translators live and breathe their jobs, they work extra hours and weekends and holidays and most of the time people do not understand...

New Internship Position Available
AH Traduções & Explicações is growing and as such needs to hire an Intern to help out with Translations and some other Secretarial Work....
Interview for Translation Journal
I leave you with a small interview that Translation Journal did on me and my book. #batalhas #livro #tradutor #translator #translation...
Translators matter! Or not!
Check a small video on reversible text. Written and performed by Erik Skuggevik for The Norwegian Association of Literary Translators...

Speaker at ABRATES 2015 - São Paolo
I invite you all to be there. #abrates #conferência #congresso #tradutores #traduto #intérp #brasil #brazil #translator #conference

Scams VS. Freelancers
Being a freelancer is not only benefits, far from it. If you think that freelancing is a great way to earn some extra money while sitting...

Translators: The problematic...
A current phrase in the world of translation is: "I can not live ONLY of the translation field," I, myself, have spoken it already and...